Christian Engström, Pirat

2 juni 2010

Urging MEPs to withdraw their Written Declaration 29 signatures

Filed under: English,informationspolitik,Smile29 — Christian Engström @ 11:33

MEPs can withdraw their signature from Written Declaration 29 by going to room PHS 02A30 in the Parliament in Brussels

Written declaration 29 has been marketed within the European Parliament using a very emotionally loaded picture of a child, and talking about the need to set up an ”early warning system” to combat sexual child abuse.

In reality, however, the substance of the declaration is to call on the Commission to extend the Data retention directive to search engines, so that all searches done on for example Google will be monitored.

It is understandable if many Members of the European Parliament have been misled into signing the declaration, since the Data Retention Directive is never mentioned in any of the marketing material for the declaration, and is only referred to by its number 2006/24/EC in the declaration itself.

You can read more about the background in my previous blog post Written declaration 29, for data retention of Internet searches.

MEP Cecilia Wikström from the liberal group ALDE has written a letter to all fellow MEPs explaining how she was misled into signing the declaration:

Both of the two e-mails sent to MEPs focused on the early warning system and neither mentioned the data retention Directive. The website set up to support the written declaration also does not mention data retention, at least not in an obvious way. Even the written declaration itself does not mention the Directive by name, but only refers to its reference number.

Bearing in mind the fact that data retention is not relevant to an early-warning system and that none of the material made available to MEPs on the subject mentioned data retention, it seems very likely that MEPs signed the Written Declaration unaware of this aspect of the text, just like I did.

Ms. Wikström has now withdrawn her signature, and is urging all colleagues who have already signed to withdraw theirs as well.

So do I.

If you are a Member of the European Parliament and have been misled into signing the declaration, you can withdraw your signature from the declaration. To do this, you go to room PHS 02A30 in the Parliament building in Brussels, where the written declarations are kept.

In order for the withdrawal to have effect, you must do this before the declaration reaches 369 signatures (which would constitute a majority of the Members). Right now, the declaration is listed as having 324 signatures, so it is already dangerously close to adoption.

If the declaration reaches the magic 369 signatures and is adopted, the names of the signatories will be made public.

If you are a citizen concerned about the right to privacy and freedom on the Internet, you can help by sending a mail to the MEPs from your country, and explaining the issue to them.

Try to be as polite, brief, and factual as you can in your mail, and remember that most of the MEPs who have signed have probably been misled into doing so.

And please contact your MEPs as quickly as possible, so that the declaration does not get adopted before word about its real contents has spread.


Andra som skriver om den skrivna förklaringen Smile29 (in Swedish): Europaportalen, Nyheter 24, Anna Troberg, Kalle Vedin, Sultan, Satmaran, OpenEnd, Motpol, HAX 1, HAX 2, Christian Engström, Oscar Fredriksson, Albin Ring Boman, Lena Ek, Annie Johansson 1, Annie Johansson 2, Rose Marie Nelson Ekerå , Mark Klamberg, Farmor Gun, Apelsineld

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50 kommentarer

  1. Christian, in the text you write room 2A030 while on the picture (and corresponding text), it reads 02A30. I think it can help if this gets corrected also in the text.

    Kommentar av Jakob — 2 juni 2010 @ 11:54

  2. Tack, fixat.

    Kommentar av Christian Engström — 2 juni 2010 @ 13:52

  3. […] lär de ledamöter som kanske skrivit på utan att egentligen veta vad det handlar om dra tillbaks sina underskrifter, för det här förslaget är något som tar oss en liten bit […]

    Pingback av “Vad håller de på med?” on Sigurdhsson — 2 juni 2010 @ 13:53

  4. […] Bloggar: Annie Johansson Albin Ring Broman, Lena Ek, Magnus Andersson, och Christian Engström. […]

    Pingback av Utökningen av datalagringsdirektivet | Dayana Jadarian — 2 juni 2010 @ 14:37

  5. (Sorry for swedish, its to late for translations though 🙂 )

    Nu har jag mailat Alf efter att ha läst hans uttalande i SvD idag, han sade där: ”- Det här är en sådan kolossal kränkning av barnen. Då får man ta ett steg tillbaka och inte vara rädd för att ens personliga intressen kan avslöjas. Även om man inte kommer åt allt material måste man försöka, säger Alf Svensson”

    Ett sånt uttalande är så fel även om han menar väl, vilket fick mig att känna en obehagligt nära koppling till ett annat citat jag läste, att en av dom farligaste makthavarna är dom som gör fel men är övertygade om att dom gör rätt och handlar för ett gott syfte. Jag tror Alf är en sån person. Han vill väl men det han gör blir fel, troligtvis som en konsekvens av okunskap.

    Nåja, här är vad jag skrev till honom i mailet jag skickade i alla fall, hoppas han läser det i alla fall:
    Hej Alf
    Jag läser i dagens svenska dagbladet på nätet att du har skrivit på declaration 29 angående lagring av sökuppgifter i syfte att
    komma åt barnpornografi. Jag ber dig att tänka igenom din underskrift en gång till av flera orsaker:
    Självklart ska vi göra vårt yttersta för att förhindra barnpornografi. Där är vi rörande överens, men den här metoden
    som föreslås i deklaration 29 är fullständigt fel väg att gå. Dels är detta ”vapen” mot barnpornografin så trubbigt att frågan
    är om det ens har någon effekt överhuvudtaget. Troligtvis kommer man inte kunna få ut någon relevant information alls genom
    denna masslagring. Det vore då istället mycket mer effektivt att lägga resurser på riktade insatser mot de slutna nätverk där
    barnporren faktist sprids i stor utsträckning. De som sysslar med sådant har nog förstånd att inte använda sig av samma
    öppna informationskanaler som resten av befolkningen, och gör dom det så är innehållet troligtvis dolt (krypterat) så att det inte går
    att upptäcka oavsett hur mycket man sparar.
    Däremot så är integritetskränkningen som uppstår av att spara alla sökningar, oavsett hur länge dom sparas, av sådan storlek
    att inget brott i världen kan motivera den. Konsekvenserna av att jag vet att mina sökningar blir sparade och sökbara av för mig
    okända personer och myndigheter leder oundvikligen till självcensur, dvs jag tänker efter både en och två gånger innan jag använder
    internet nästa gång. En sådan utveckling är inte värdig Sverige eller Europa på 2000-talet då vi hävdar att vi är både demokratiska
    och står för frihet. Nu är det upp till bevis! Är friheten och demokratin oantastliga? Med de senaste decenniernas utveckling så
    börjar jag tveka…
    Men som sagt, läs igenom, sök på internet och fundera igenom deklaration 29 några gånger till. Läs gärna också mailet du fick
    från din kollega Cecilia Wikström angående deklarationen. Vi ska självklart göra vårt yttersta för att bekämpa barnpornografi, men inte genom
    att jaga mygg med atombomber.

    Kommentar av Håkan — 2 juni 2010 @ 23:03

  6. […] writes “The European Parliament is issuing a written declaration about the need to set up an early warning system to combat sexual child abuse. However, the substance of the declaration is to extend the EU data retention directive to search […]

    Pingback av EU To Monitor All Internet Searches | JetLib News — 3 juni 2010 @ 6:01

  7. […] Christian Engström, von den Piraten Schweden, macht aktuell auf eine Unterschriftensammlung innerhalb des EU Parlaments aufmerksam. Mit dieser, sehr emotional gestalteten, Sammlung soll die Vorratsdatenspeicherung auch auf Google, Bing etc. ausgeweitet werden. Für Details siehe sein Blog ->…. […]

    Pingback av McDope's Thoughts » EU will Vorratsdatenspeicherung für Suchmaschinen! — 3 juni 2010 @ 6:44


    Bra liten video…

    Kommentar av chefren — 3 juni 2010 @ 7:04

  9. Orvell didn’t know how soon the world would be like in the nightmare. It’s here alredy. Who did wrong and what ?

    Kommentar av fananan — 3 juni 2010 @ 7:56

  10. Slashdot:

    Kommentar av Christian Engström — 3 juni 2010 @ 8:10

  11. See this is the fundamental problem with democracy as currently implemented, MEPs (and local parlements) voting, or in this case signing, stuff they haven’t read (let along understood).

    This leads to stupid riders and pork within the laws.

    This also leads to a volume of law so big that it is now practically speaking impossible for MEP’s to even read all _new_ laws being voted. Never mind knowing the law, it’s legally required, but practically completely impossible

    (conclusion: no way to know the rules, so might as well ignore em and follow your own common sense, if the two collide forcefully, armed resistance time)

    Bah, politics, the more I see of it, the more disgusted with it I get, the system is fundamentally broken.

    “The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”
    — H.L. Mencken

    “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”
    — Noam Chomsky

    ”The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong.”
    –Cicero (106BC-43BC)

    ”The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
    — direct quote from Mein Kampf.

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
    — Evelyn Beatrice Hall

    Nothing does more to sap the life of a democracy than the abuse of power.”
    — Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

    ”A little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical,”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
    — John F. Kennedy

    Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.”
    — Robert Heinlein

    “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
    — Benjamin Franklin

    No amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free
    […] You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.
    — Robert Heinlein

    ”The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure
    — Thomas Jefferson

    looks more and more like that time is drawing near again

    Kommentar av cobaco — 3 juni 2010 @ 8:27

  12. […] Searches The European Parliament is issuing a written declaration about the need to set up an early warning system to combat sexual child abuse. However, the substance of the declaration is to extend the EU data retention directive to search […]

    Pingback av EU To Monitor All Internet Searches | tequila bomb — 3 juni 2010 @ 8:59

  13. Is there a list of signatures available? I’m prepared to write to any of my MEPs who have signed the declaration.

    Kommentar av Concerned — 3 juni 2010 @ 9:58

  14. @ Concerned,

    The list is only made public if and when the declaration gets enough signatures and is adopted. By that time it would be to late to do anything about it, unfortunately.

    Kommentar av Christian Engström — 3 juni 2010 @ 10:26

  15. […] Christian Engström MEP has published more information on his website. Tagged as dataretention, digitalrights, eu, europe, internet, letter, politics, privacy, search, surveillance, thinkofthechildren + Categorized as privacy […]

    Pingback av Europe mulls search-term surveillance | Richard's Kingdom — 3 juni 2010 @ 13:26

  16. ”In reality, however, the substance of the declaration is to call on the Commission to extend the Data retention directive to search engines, so that all searches done on for example Google will be monitored.”

    How are they going to do that? Google is located in AMERICA. That’s a little out of European Jurisdiction. This article is making a big deal out of nothing.

    Kommentar av Anonymous — 3 juni 2010 @ 14:09

  17. […] notes that many of the MEPs who signed on didn’t realized that part of the declaration was to extend already controversial data retention laws to search engines, meaning that Google would need to store your search results far beyond what they currently do, […]

    Pingback av EU Politicians Tricked Into Supporting Data Retention On Search Terms… ‘For The Children’ | PHP Hosts — 3 juni 2010 @ 15:33

  18. […] Engstrom notes that many of the MEPs who signed on didn't realized that part of the declaration was to extend already controversial data retention laws to search engines, meaning that Google would need to store your search results far beyond what they currently do, […]

    Pingback av EU Politicians Tricked Into Supporting Data Retention On Search Terms… ‘For The Children’ | — 3 juni 2010 @ 15:42

  19. […] nella dichiarazione che hanno firmata non si menzionava la “data retention”. Se ne accorto Christian Engström del partito dei pirati; pure lui ha firmato per sbaglio e invita i parlamentari […]

    Pingback av VogliadiTerra » Blog Archive » La scusa della pedapornografia — 3 juni 2010 @ 17:21

  20. We are entering the late stages of anti-pedophile hysteria. It began with reasonable concern about the rape of children. At that time, 30 years ago, it was still possible to discuss child sexuality and intergenerational sexuality. Then quickly the subject was politicized in the mainstream media, and all intergenerational sexuality was attacked as rape, no matter if it was consensual and mutually enjoyable. Frightning examples of child pornography were used to incite outrage, and the laws became more and more strict. Sex offender registries began taking off around 15 years ago, and have become more and more invasive, resulting in second class citizenship for hundreds of thousands of men. Around the same time, the gay and lesbian community excommunicated pedophile organizations, and in 1999, the scholarly library of Edward Brongersma was seized and destroyed by Dutch police. Anti-pedophile vigilantes have pretty much destroyed pedophile community organizations online. The PATRIOT ACT, created to combat terrorism, has been sold as a weapon against pedophiles.

    And today we are on the road to making search queries actionable by the authorities, to stop crimes before they occur.

    Can no one see this is the most invasive, most horrifying attempt to control a minority population? There may have been more violent methods in the past, but pedophiles are now targets of an entirely new regime of technologies. Online censorship, government control, deep-packet inspection, and the destruction of movements critical of governments are rightfully attacked when the bully is Iran or North Korea. But attacks on pedophiles have been institutionalized in Europe and North America without much of a sound, except the mob roar: MORE MORE MORE!

    When you consider all these changes of the past 30 years, it makes me think of the Wiemar Republic in 1929, as the global financial order was imploding. Hatred of Jews was common and accepted. Some wrote apologetics, but to no avail. Too many wheels were in motion now for even the call to reason and tolerance to be heard. The same is happening today. Let the courageous ones write some forgotten tome, unread for 50 years until in the wastes thoughtful people rise up again and ask: what madness was this?


    No government to my knowledge funds independent research into pedophilia or child pornography. In this underfunded area, the only institutional funding is to aid law enforcement. Child pornography is the Latin bible of contemporary society, the thing the lay person is not allowed to see or understand, and the origin of an increasingly wide swath of public / civic morality.

    No government to my knowledge funds community organizations for pedophiles. They exclusively fund organizations that are trying to destroy pedophilia, a term conveniently abstract so we don’t have to think that we are destroying persons. But we are.

    Pedophiles are the universal gypsies, defined by supposed crimes, hounded out of the public space, non-persons permitted to be at once completely ignored, then placed under torturous surveillence never before seen in this world, their political and social networks dismantled.

    Who killed the Jews? Who killed the Gypsies? It was the German people. The PEOPLE killed them.

    Now the PEOPLE are preparing for a second Holocaust. This time they are sharpening their knives with a SURE purpose, the protection of children. They may know nothing about child pornography. They may not even have spoken to a pedophile. But they KNOW. THIS TIME IT’S FOR REAL.

    Let me ask you: Did not the German people have their reasons for cooking up the Jews? Who so ignorant as to think they had no reason, that they simply obeyed orders, that Hitler was just such a swell guy that everybody did what he said without asking WHY? No, they had an answer, a reason, a CONVICTION!

    Today, public conviction points to another social disaster. The civil-political armies of the West are marching in lockstep, to rid the world of the last vermin, the pedophile. And when the GREAT HAND OF HISTORY FINALLY CLOSES IN ON VICTORY you will find it around YOUR OWN NECKS.

    Kommentar av CosmicGhost — 3 juni 2010 @ 19:15

  21. […] Engström, przedstawiciel Partii Piratów, przekonuje parlamentarzystów do wycofania się z propozycji, a obywateli do pisania listów do swoich przedstawicieli. Cytuje też liberalną […]

    Pingback av Parlament Europejski chce by KE monitorowała wyszukiwarki | WebInfo — 4 juni 2010 @ 0:00

  22. […] Urging MEPs to withdraw their Written Declaration 29 signatures Written declaration 29 has been marketed within the European Parliament using a very emotionally loaded picture of a […] […]

    Pingback av Top Posts — — 4 juni 2010 @ 1:18

  23. […] notes that many of the MEPs who signed on didn’t realize that part of the declaration was to extend already controversial data retention laws to search engines, meaning that Google would need to store your search results far beyond what they currently do, […]

    Pingback av You Get The . Info » EU Politicians Tricked Into Supporting Data Retention On Search Terms… ‘For The Children’ – 4222th Edition — 4 juni 2010 @ 3:51

  24. […] their signatures in support of Declaration 29. One member of the parliament, Christian Engström, indicated on his blog that he believes many of those who have signed the declaration were misled and don’t realize […]

    Pingback av EU may monitor searches under guise of child porn prevention : Infowars Ireland — 4 juni 2010 @ 6:19

  25. […] their signatures in support of Declaration 29. One member of the parliament, Christian Engström, indicated on his blog that he believes many of those who have signed the declaration were misled and don’t realize […]

    Pingback av Tech Reviews » EU may monitor searches under guise of child porn prevention — 4 juni 2010 @ 9:56

  26. […] eu-parlamentarikern, Cecilia Wikström och Piratpartiets eu-parlamentariker, Christian Engström, uppmärksammat konsekvenserna av skrivelsen har flera ledamöter dragit tillbaka sina signaturer, men inte alla. […]

    Pingback av Anna Troberg » Rättfärdighetens riddare är pinsamt lata och blinda — 4 juni 2010 @ 12:53

  27. […] Urging MEPs to withdraw their Written Declaration 29 signatures Once again "protecting children" is being used as the pretext to introduce a badly-considered stream of legislation that would result in web searches being retained and analysed – yes, more surveillance. Apparently MEPs are being told just that it's for the children, without having the consequence that every search by every citizen will be archived and retained. Write to your MEP and ask them not to sign or to withdraw their signature. (tags: Privacy Rights Search Surveillance Europe MEP) […]

    Pingback av links for 2010-06-04 « Wild Webmink — 4 juni 2010 @ 13:06

  28. […] their signatures in support of Declaration 29. One member of the parliament, Christian Engström, indicated on his blog that he believes many of those who have signed the declaration were misled and don’t realize […]

    Pingback av EU may monitor searches under guise of child porn prevention : Porn Newz - Adult Industry News, Events & Articles — 4 juni 2010 @ 19:30

  29. […] innymi) “rozciągnięcia na wyszukiwarki” dyrektywy dotyczącej tzw.  retencji danych (już niewiele brakuje, by inicjatywa stała się oficjalnym oświadczeniem PE) napisałem do polskich członków Parlamentu o niepodpisywanie tego oświadczenia: “Szanowni […]

    Pingback av Jacek Sierpiński » Blog Archive » Zapobiec inwigilacji internautów — 4 juni 2010 @ 19:54

  30. […] […]

    Pingback av Google practicing Voodoo in Europe — 5 juni 2010 @ 15:44

  31. […] trukket deres underskrifter tilbage. MEP Christian Engström (PP), har i et indlæg på sin blog opfordret sine kollegaer til at trække deres underskrifter tilbage, fordi han mener underskriverne er blevet vildledt, og […]

    Pingback av EU ønsker at registrere dine google-søgninger | — 7 juni 2010 @ 15:50

  32. […] you would expect, the Pirate Party’s MEP, Christian Engström, has a view on it in a blog post, which urges MEPs who signed to read the proposal and think again. He believes most have been […]

    Pingback av Paedo-Fear Pushes The Surveillance Agenda | eWEEK Europe UK — 8 juni 2010 @ 9:31

  33. […] werden mit der emotionsgeladenen Erklärung 29 Unterschriften gesammelt, um diesen Plan umzusetzen. Christian Engström (für die schwedische Piratenpartei im Europaparlament) […]

    Pingback av VDS für Suchmaschinen - German Privacy Foundation e.V. - Blog — 8 juni 2010 @ 14:19

  34. […] zu schreiben, damit diese auf die Versuche zur Irreführung aufmerksam gemacht werden und so ihre Unterstützung zurückziehen können. Ausserdem wurde die Facebook Gruppe „Hands off my Google search!” gegründet, mit der Facebook […]

    Pingback av EU Parlament will Internet-Suchabfragen überwachen | Freewave Blog — 9 juni 2010 @ 8:52

  35. […] Und ratet mal wie das Argumentiert wird? Kinderpornographie genau. Details entnehmt bitte dem Blog von Crhistian Engstrom, dem schwedischen Piraten im Europa […]

    Pingback av Suchmaschinenüberwachung Mails an unsere MEP - — 14 juni 2010 @ 10:03

  36. […] Und ratet mal wie das Argumentiert wird? Kinderpornographie genau. Details entnehmt bitte dem Blog von Crhistian Engstrom, dem schwedischen Piraten im Europa […]

    Pingback av Suchmaschinenüberwachung maile deinem MEP « — 14 juni 2010 @ 13:05

  37. […] Engström, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der schwedischen Piratpartei, ruft auf seinem Blog dazu auf den Plan zu […]

    Pingback av » Blog Archiv » Vorratsdatenspeicherung 2.0: EU will Daten aller Suchmaschinen — 14 juni 2010 @ 14:52

  38. Dear Mrs Anna Zaborska and Mr Tiziano Motti
    please let me express a sincere thanks for the WRITTEN DECLARATION No. 29 and These legal mesures bring new tools and opportunities for businesses to expand in the area of making cyberspace free of all ill-advised people.
    Please check out the Without your efforts, this would not have been possible !

    Thank you very much.

    Phd John Heldeger
    Managing Director
    tel. +44 023 982 904

    Kommentar av John Heldeger — 17 juni 2010 @ 14:42

  39. […] ska sparas. Som tur är jobbar Piratpartiets europaparlamentariker hårt på att sänka Smile29. Det kampanjas friskt om det nere i […]

    Pingback av Kvinnor och barn först… | Anna Troberg — 17 juni 2010 @ 15:43

  40. If you want to share your knowledge with the world and promote yourself, products or services at the same time here is the place to do just that. Simply register and then submit your articles. We’ll do the rest for you and promote your free articles to all of our Publishers and Webmasters.

    Kommentar av instant approval articles — 18 juni 2010 @ 4:53

  41. […] Engström, Swedish MEP of the Pirate Party, argues on his blog that “It is understandable if many Members of the European Parliament have been misled into […]

    Pingback av » On the European Union search engine schizophrenia — 28 juni 2010 @ 12:49

  42. […] urging his peers to withdraw their signatures supporting Written Declaration 29. He said in a blog post that “many Members of the European Parliament have been misled into signing the […]

    Pingback av EU Request To Retain User Data From Search Engines Sparks Widespread Anger | Generic CCtlds — 29 juni 2010 @ 19:16

  43. 1962год

    Kommentar av kinomore — 20 september 2010 @ 12:03

  44. […] Urging MEPs to withdraw their Written Declaration 29 signatures «[…] their signatures in support of Declaration 29. One member of the parliament, Christian Engström, indicated on his blog that he believes many of those who have signed the declaration were misled and don’t realize […] […]

    Pingback av Christian signatures | Jezsez — 30 maj 2011 @ 20:34

  45. It is true: there are millions of children today, even children of 9 and 10, who use the web to communicate and place quantities of personal information on the Internet. Paedophiles are an organised network which is too protected under current laws: the forces of order have no weapons when it comes to tracing details of who has used Facebook or any other social forum to groom minors. There is an urgent need to expand the European directive which deals with this issue.

    Kommentar av Richard — 4 oktober 2011 @ 10:50

  46. Motti’s proposal runs counter to the right to privacy: on the Internet it is as if I were at home and I can do whatever I like, without fear of being spied on.

    Kommentar av Diane — 4 oktober 2011 @ 10:58

  47. Richard: Wait a second. You say paedophiles form organized networks? Then it would just be for the police to infiltrate that network and map it up, right? No need for mass surveillance in that case, just some classic ”under cover, detective” work…

    Kommentar av ForskarGurra — 4 oktober 2011 @ 17:22

  48. […] urging his peers to withdraw their signatures supporting Written Declaration 29. He said in a blog post that “many Members of the European Parliament have been misled into signing the […]

    Pingback av EU Request To Retain User Data From Search Engines Sparks Widespread Anger | #KiiPass — 22 april 2013 @ 16:53

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